Intel takes the lead. Are you a Leader or Follower?
Intel has started an innovation lab in Kista ”IoT Ignition lab Stockholm” . Swedish article The IEA project has participated with our silo spanning demo and we will have a session with Intel in almedalen 2014

Article about ngenic in Ny Teknik
One of our project partners, ngenic, was featured in a article in nyteknik.se. Ny Teknik is the largest Swedish newspaper and site about technology and IT. In the article, ngenic talks about smart algorithms and how to simply save energy and…

Jfokus demos and talk
On Jfokus 2014, The Intelligent energy services project was well represented with taking part in Jfokus embedded sessions on Monday and a demo in the Innovation Corner and Joachim Also held a talk on wednesday about XMPP in the…

Fosdem demos and talks
We are excited to be at fosdem.org in the XMPP.org realtimelounge we are showning the xmpp solution we use in our project The resources we used to create the demos are these https://github.com/joachimlindborg/SleekXMPP/tree/xep_0323_325 http://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0323.html http://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0325.html http://wiki.xmpp.org/web/Tech_pages/IoT_systems

XMPP summit brussels
XMPP standards foundation has every year 2 summits one in the autumn and one in january together with the fosdem.org conference in brussels. XSF is around 50 to 60 elected persons that work with the standard and governs it’s usability…

Christmas installations
Just before Christmas we started the installation of XMPP enabled CTC heatpumps the heatpumps are connected through wifi with the SPB585 from HD-wireless. Through the customer own broadband we are using XMPP as the integration protocol We will now continue…

XMPP UK IoT meetup
On the evening of December 2nd the XMPP UK meetup group came together to discuss and try out Internet of Things based on XMPP The evening was co located with the big IoT event called @thingmonk at the nice venue…

Sign up as test pilot for our field test (Swedish)
We have just started our field test for IEA, where users are able to test project components in real life. Our goal for this period is to get 50 field installations with remote control of a heating system from CTC Enertech, Viessmann och Systemair. This following message…

Lindborg member in the Council of IoT
Our own Joachim Lindborg, from Sust and Intelligent Energy Services, just joined as a member in the council of The Internet of Things (IoT). The idea with the project Internet of Things is that all electronic devices should be connected…